I first discovered Afrofit, an African dance workout in Dubai when I was casually scrolling through my Instagram account looking through Dubai fitness accounts. I happened to run across the account of Gbemi Giwa, owner of the blog Dubai Fit Foodie and saw a short video of an Afrofit class that looked positively amazing!

Have a look at a short video here:

Details on Afrofit – this awesome African dance workout in Dubai

I later found out that the class costs AED 60 per head. So I hustled cousin Po to join me and we decided to attend the 6.30pm Saturday class. Now, there’s one thing you need to know about the class. It’s led by a hulk of a man who calls himself ‘Mr. MOF.’

Now that seems like a total alias, only because it is. ‘MOF’ stands for ‘Man on Fire.’ Yup, that’s right. Even though Mr. MOF has total gains, that doesn’t stop him from groovin’ and doing his thang. And so, Cousin Po and I dove right into the workout.

And this is how we looked post it:

Post workout selfies | Afrofit African Dance workout in Dubai
Check the excitement on our faces! (And the sweat, post workout)

We loved this workout so much!!! We love African tunes and admire the total swag that comes with African dances. This is literally THE ONLY African dance workout in Dubai you should try. The steps are easy to catch on, but the groove not so much. Though, by our second class we were finding our own groove. What I love about it is, there’s no pressure to copy EXACTLY what the instructor does, the focus is totally do your best and if you mess up..hakuna matata!

There’s a combination of moves from the Congo, the Masai warriors of Kenya, plenty of Nigerian moves and so much more. This class is not just a workout, it has high energy and is educational too.

Cousin Po and I liked it so much, we dragged our other cousins in there the next Saturday. We had an even greater time than before!

My cousins and I post our Afrofit workout.
My cousins and I post our Afrofit workout. All of us broke a sweat and left the class feeling so exhilarated!

We are incredibly excited to go back and try different types of workouts together! Let us know what you think is an interesting new workout to check out and we’ll be there. 🙂 Extra bonus points if it involves dancing.

This definitely won’t be my last Afrofit class ( I can’t wait to go back for more. I swear I never knew my booty could move in so many different directions, haha).

 Please email Gbemi Giwa at [email protected] to secure your spot at the Afrofit class. Make sure you check the location as well as she now travels across studios in Dubai. Support this awesome African dance workout in Dubai! 


    1. The classes will be back on by August. Gbemi (@dubaifitfoodie on Instagram) handles it. Will let you know when it’s back up. Maybe we can go together 😀

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