About Me
Hi there!
Welcome to Om Nom Nirvana, a blog that seeks spiritual satiation through food, health, wellness and travel. Life is all about balance, isn’t it? If you’re wondering what the key to a happy life is, I think it’s a healthy balance of food, wellness & travel. This is why I started this blog. Come away with me as I traverse through life in the sandpit that is Dubai and occasionally take a break with me as I vacation (or do a famous UAE staycation) in different places all around the world.
To start with, my name is Aneesha and I’m really pleased to meet you! I’m a journalist by profession with a master’s degree from the University of Wollongong. During the day, I’m a Content & PR Manager at a high-end luxury real estate brokerage. I moonlight as a blogger. Occasionally, I assist brands with their PR & social media strategies or write on a freelance basis for publications. I’ve been a writer all my life, and began to write for lifestyle magazines way back in 2009. Here’s a bit about my blog and why I named it Om Nom Nirvana:
The first aspect of my blog is directed at health and wellness. The main reason beyond this was that I needed to take my health seriously. In 2011, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, a condition of hypothyroid where my body attacks the thyroid gland. This means my metabolism struggles (and I gotta admit, my food habits don’t help either). I’m actually supposed to stick to eating non-processed, gluten-free,sugar-free food. Which if I did follow, would make me really upset because as my cousin Poushali says, ‘CAKE IS BAE.’ Later, in 2017, I was also diagnosed with PCOS (Poly cystic ovarian syndrome).
I’m all about fighting the good fight and I’d like to take you on this journey to getting healthier with me. I recently reached a healthy weight (read my story here) and would love to share my journey fighting Hashimoto’s & PCOS with you. I enjoy yoga, dancing, various group training exercises and meditation. I also review the occasional spa and occasionally interview professionals from the wellbeing and mental health history, because health is not just physical.
I have lived the majority of my 28 years in Dubai and it is truly home to me. During the other years, I’ve spent living abroad in India, the U.S.,U.K. and Malaysia where I began to develop my palate.
Being exposed to different cuisines since childhood (and mostly because of eating food all my life like most people), I truly enjoy reviewing restaurants and discovering new cuisines, but now I’m shifting my blog focus towards healthier eats.
Ah, travel! It stirs the soul. I’m all about journeys and slow travel. And so far, I have accomplished it! I’ve visited 28+ countries so far (but, hey, who’s counting?) and don’t ever plan on stopping. Check this space out on how to eat healthier and access a lovely bunch of itineraries.
Come, be a part of my life and cherish just..being and living what life has to offer. ♥
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